Xinsu Global customize cases according to customer needs by the rich experience in power solution solutions for example the DC to DC chargers, multi output projects, special wire customization, design and production of molds and plastic hardware
"/>Xinsu Global fa'avasegaina mataupu e tusa ai ma mana'oga o tagata fa'atau e ala i le poto masani i fofo fofo mo se fa'ata'ita'iga o le DC i DC chargers, tele galuega fa'atino, fa'apitoa uaea fa'apitoa, mamanu ma le gaosiga o molds ma mea palasitika.
Xinsu Global o se tagata tomai faapitoa fofo malosi, Matou te lagolagoina le mamanu faaeletonika ma le gaosiga o auaunaga: aganuʻu o uaea faʻapitoa, aganuʻu o mataupu tau uta faʻapitoa, mamanu ma le gaosiga o mamanu fou, mamanu ma le gaosiga o isi vaega meafaigaluega palasitika.
DC i DC uta
AC ta'ita'i mana
Fa'apitoa uaea fa'apitoa
Totogi fa'aulufale lua
Atinae o poloketi fou